Satir Model: Enhance Interpersonal Skills and Strengthen Relationships course
In this course, learners will apply the Satir Model to improve interpersonal skills and build on better relationships with people. Learners will get to identify the Coping Stances and its effects; apply the Iceberg Model to discover self and others, and then manage expectations; combat repeated negative and unhealthy patterns of feelings, thoughts and behaviours; and resolve differences. The application of congruence interactions helps to enhance communication and interactions with family, people at work and others.
Grief and Its Complications - Meaning Crises in the Landscape of Loss course
This training will equip you with the fundamental understanding of grief and loss as a meaning crisis from the meaning reconstruction perspective, as well as how to assess grievers’ adaptation and needs for support in the aftermath.
Pre-Death Grief and Loss Series - Quest for Meaning in Terminal Illness course
This training will introduce meaning reconstruction perspectives to understand the meaning crisis in illness contexts and examine the resulting death anxiety and preparatory grief as experienced by those who are diagnosed with a terminal illness.
Techniques of Grief Therapy - An Attachment-Informed Approach to Grief and Loss course
Drawing on attachment-informed models of bereavement and tripartite model of meaning reconstruction, this training will consider grieving as a process of reconstructing rather than relinquishing one’s continuing bond with the deceased. Learn relevant meaning-oriented techniques to enable clients to review their disrupted bond and realign their positioning with the lost attachment figure in the aftermath of loss.
Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) With Adults course
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is a third-generation, evidence-based, behavior therapy that balances mindfulness and acceptance processes with commitment and behavior change processes to weaken the unhelpful influence of thoughts and emotional avoidance in guiding behavior, while promoting greater experiential engagement and psychological flexibility in the service of valued ends.
Families and Trauma Work - Integrating Key Ideas from Individual and Systemic Practice course
This workshop is useful for those with a therapeutic role with families with complex trauma but would also be appropriate for those with roles in case management, child protection, and family or individual support.
Integrating Self-Compassion into Counselling With Adults course
This intermediate level workshop will guide clinicians on how to effectively integrate empirically-validated self-compassion skills into their sessions with adult clients. Participants will begin by learning and practicing self-compassion perspective and skills for themselves on Day 1 and in the subsequent weeks. On days 2 and 3, participants will learn a practical, clinical model for comprehensive integration of self-compassion into counseling.
Primary Care Teen Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) Provider Training course
This training course is for practitioners who are looking to implement Primary Care Teen Triple P, which is a 4-session positive parenting program delivered individually to families who have one or two behavioural concerns.
Microskills and Techniques for Effective Paracounselling (Practical Counselling Intermediate)
This course aims to equip you with advanced skills to promote change and growth in peoples’ lives. It focuses on equipping you with skills essential for providing meaningful support to individuals navigating difficulties, stress and mental health challenges.
Grief and Loss in Families Series - Separation and Divorce from Meaning Reconstruction Perspectives course
This training will invite you to look at separation and divorce and other forms of relationship dissolution from a grief and loss and meaning reconstruction perspective. This will also equip you to use meaning oriented intervention tools to facilitate one’s transition and adaptation in the aftermath.
Loss of Another, Loss of the Self - Reconstructing Identity in Times of Transition course
In the losing of a loved one, we may lose crucial relationships that anchor our sense of who we are. This 2-day workshop will address the themes of relearning of self and relarning the world, and teach procedures by which people can start to reconstruct their lives as they grow through grief.
Grief and Its Complications: A Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Approach course
This workshop will distinguish between adaptive grieving and its more anguishing forms and review evidence-based risk factors for prolonged grief disorder. It considers tragic loss a crisis of meaning and teaches creative techniques to process the story of the loss, the backstory of client's relation to the deceased, and self-narratives of who the clients are and are becoming.
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (TF-CBT) course
The 4-day training provides an intensive review of the TF-CBT treatment components, with a specific focus on clinical implementation strategies, and will give participants an opportunity to develop and increase their skills in the practice of TF-CBT.
Engaging Adolescents who Utilized Non-Suicidal Self Injury (NSSI) to Cope course
NSSI is separate and distinct from suicide and should be managed as such. Yet self-injury is also an important risk factor for suicide attempts. Many adolescents utilise NSSI to express their emotional experiences and to regulate their emotions. This course will equip you with the right research-based knowledge and techniques to listen to our clients and assist them in finding helpful ways to cope without hurting themselves.
Basic Training in Gestalt Play Therapy course
In this workshop, participants will learn the overview of the therapeutic process developed by Violet Oaklander, key neuroscience findings, Gestalt relational perspective on child development, and Gestalt play therapy process of working with projections through creative arts.
Working with Conflictual Couples course
This training will equip learners with basic theories of Attachment and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Individually & Interactionally Oriented Interventions in facilitating behavioural change, and skills to recognise signs of relationship trauma to prevent escalation of couple conflicts to family violence and other harmful behaviours.
Certified Behavioural Consultant
Based on the DISC Personality System, this specially designed 2-day intensive certification and training programme will equip you with a framework to understand human behaviour more profoundly and key people-reading skills that will help you become proficient in behavioural analysis.
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Practice course
Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is an evidence-based approach with more than 3 decades of research to counseling and therapy that focuses on solution-building instead of dwelling on client’s past or analyzing their issues. Participants will learn concrete SFBT skills and techniques that they can apply immediately in their practice.
Transforming Trauma through Art - A Comprehensive Introduction to Art Therapy course
Participants will gain understanding of the roles both process and product in image-making play in art therapy, and ways to develop art themes for therapeutic interventions with a trauma-informed lens based on recent developments in neurobiological frameworks.
Pre-Death Grief and Loss Series: Supporting Families in the Face of An Impending Loss course
This training will introduce meaning-oriented perspectives of anticipatory grief and separation anxiety as experienced by the family members and the surrounding significant others of those who are critically ill and given poor prognosis. It will also equip you with meaning-oriented intervention tools to support the affected family members and friends in the face of their looming separation from their dying loved one.
Introduction to Self-Compassion Practices course
This 1-day workshop is an introduction to Self-Compassion (SC), an empirically supported training program based on the clinical perspective of Chris Germer, PhD and the pioneering research of Kristin Neff, PhD. The workshop will teach social service professionals simple, practical SC skills that they can use in everyday life.
Certified Advanced Behavioural Consultant
This advanced certification programme will dive deep into theories of psychology and equip you with in-depth knowledge of the DISC, TEAMS, Values and BAI. This will help you master your skills to handle situations, issues and questions when consulting with individuals and teams in business environment.
Social Service Professional Development Courses
We organise different types of trainingss and courses to equip social service professionals with psychology and counselling therapies and techniques, and also assis them to attain recognised accreditations. Some topics we offer include family therapy courses, solution-focused brief therapy, grief and loss courses, trauma courses, psychotherapy approaches, mental health courses, marital and divorce course, play therapy courses, cognitive behavioural therapy course, attachment theory courses, intervention training, case management courses, trauma-informed courses, and programme research and evaluation courses.
Our trainers - with their extensive years of experiences, skills and knowledge - can bring out the best in our students and help them excel in their professions. Many of our trainers have spent decades in social service and clinical practie, and have the requisite expertise to deliver the course professionally, as well as to relate it to the learners' work context.
General Counselling / Social Service courses
We also provide courses for the general public who do not have a background in social service or do not have a diploma/degree in social service/counselling. We specialise in a wide range of value-added programmes for individuals seeking to improve their personal effectiveness, enhance their interpersonal relationships and beocme a better person, people-helper, or para-counsellor. Our well-designed courses enable many individuals to learn new skills and realise their potential.
Course Subsidies
We seek to defray costs incurred by our students through grants offered by government agencies. Please check our individual course listings for the available subsidies.