Dr Agnes Tan
Agnes trained as a medical doctor in London, England and has worked there as well as at National University Hospital, Singapore. She gave up her medical practice to pursue mission work for over a decade.
Agnes currently works as a Trainer, Counsellor and Family Life Educator – she holds a Master of Social Science in Professional Counselling, and a Graduate Certificate in Parent Education Leadership Training, both from Swinburne University, Australia. She is also a certified trainer for “Good Enough Parenting”, “I Choose Us” marriage programmes and Triple P – Positive Parenting Programme.
Agnes enjoys teaching and has taught the Bachelor of Social Science and Diploma in Counselling Skills for Edith Cowan University, Certificate in Practical Counselling classes, Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) courses in Student Care, and has also taught and supervised trainee School Counsellors. Agnes has 20 years of experience and is a sought after speaker in schools and organisations. She is well-liked for her engaging down to earth style, extensive knowledge and ability to connect with participants. She has been interviewed on radio and the print media in her capacity as a Family Life Educator, a role she is passionate about. Agnes was an invited speaker at the MOE Parent Seminar held in 2013.